As Within So Without

an evolution of a mixed media butterfly piece by kim sowa

These images of mine above of a butterfly represent my creative experimentation, where I explored how to combine my two passions - intuitive painting and photography. It's been an evolving process, and what you see here is the result of my artistic growth and development. This style is something that I came up with through trial and error, as I pushed myself to try new things and find my own unique voice. It's been an exciting and rewarding journey, and I'm thrilled to share it with others.

When I created this piece, I was reflecting on my own journey towards authenticity and how challenging it can be to break free from societal expectations and pursue what truly makes us happy. It was a process of recognizing and shedding the layers of conditioning that I had accumulated over the years, and allowing my true self to emerge. The butterfly in this artwork represents the idea of transformation and growth that comes with stepping into our true selves. It symbolizes the potential that can emerge when we allow ourselves to break free from limiting beliefs and pursue what truly makes us happy.

As I worked on this piece, I found that the layers of intuitive painting and photography allowed me to express this inner journey through art. The negative space that I cut out of the photograph, revealing the painting underneath, symbolized the process of peeling away the layers of conditioning and uncovering our true selves. The title "As Within So Without" represents the idea that what is within us on a soulful level is reflected in the outer world around us. When we allow ourselves to be true to who we are and follow our souls purpose, we not only empower ourselves but also inspire others to do the same. This is where true transformation and growth can happen.

Overall, this artwork represents the power of authenticity, self-discovery, and following our passions. It is a reminder that we all have unique gifts and talents to share with the world, and that by doing so, we can create a more vibrant, inspiring, and fulfilling world for ourselves and others.

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